Twenty-three years after the publication of the critically acclaimed Planet of the Apes Revisited, authors Joe Russo, Larry Landsman and Edward Gross are back with the two-volume The Unofficial Oral History of Planet of the Apes, a completely revised and thoroughly expanded look at the world of the Apes from 1963 to the present.
These books are filled with hundreds of interviews with cast and crew who take you behind-the-scenes of each film and television series, in their own words. Volume I spans 1963 to 1973, from the publication of Pierre Boulle’s original novel through the development process of the first film and the making of Planet, Beneath, Escape, Conquest and Battle. Volume II spans from 1974 to 2024, and focuses on both the live action and animated television series, the ongoing Apes fan phenomenon, various attempts to resurrect the franchise, the making of Tim Burton’s 2001 film, a journey deep inside the critically and commercially heralded trilogy consisting of Rise, Dawn and War, as well as the all-new chapter, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. And it’s all wrapped up with an in depth appendix by author Rich Handley, who provides a guide to every novel, short story and comic book taking place on the Planet of the Apes.
The two-volume Unofficial Oral History of Planet of the Apes is coming very soon from Bearmanor Media and will be available wherever books are sold.
Go Ape!
And please share your thoughts and questions in the comments section
I am thrilled and honored to have been a part of this. Thanks, Ed, for inviting me to help update THE Planet of the Apes bible.
The pleasure is mine. Thanks for the hard work you put into the Appendix.
I can’t WAIT for these, they look incredible! Absolute Day 1 purchase.
I’ll be looking for pre-order information on your or Rich’s FB page.
So glad you’re excited for it. We’re so proud of the way it came out; all told, we’re looking at about 200,000 words of content between the two books.
So wonderful to see these two publications side by side. I have been a ardent fan and avid collector of PLANET OF THE APES for over 50 years now….and have amounted a home full of memorabilia inc; rare items; and will be so looking forward to adding these two unique books to my collection; GO APE!!!;
Thanks so much, Wayne. I appreciate your enthusiasm!